USS Bainbridge DDG 96 Navy Ship

The composition of the fleet is changing rapidly as
modern ARLEIGH BURKE guided missile AEGIS destroyers enter
active commissioned service. The DDG 51 was the first U.S.
Navy ship designed to incorporate shaping techniques to
reduce radar cross-section to reduce their detectability and
likelihood of being targeted by enemy weapons and sensors.
Originally designed to defend against former-Soviet
aircraft, cruise missiles, and attack submarines, this
higher capability ship is to be used in high-threat areas to
conduct antiair, antisubmarine, antisurface, and strike
DDG 51s were constructed in flights, allowing
technological advances during construction. Flight II,
introduced in FY 1992, incorporates improvements to the SPY
radar and the Standard missile, active electronic
countermeasures and communications. Flight IIA, introduced
in fiscal year 1994, added a helicopter hangar and
capability to embarked two multi-mission helicopters.
I/II The initial ARLEIGH BURKE-class guided
missile destroyers have a full load displacement of 8,300
tons, are 506 feet in overall length and have a 62 foot
beam. They are driven by two shafts powered by four LM2500
engines. Their maximum speed is in excess of 30 knots and
they have a cruising range of 4,400 n. miles at 20 knots.
The ships complement is about 30 officers and 302 enlisted
All ships of this class have the AEGIS air defense system
with the SPY-1D phased array radar. They are armed with a
Vertical Launching System capable of storing and rapidly
firing a mix of Standard, Tomahawk, and Vertically Launched
ASROC (VLA) missiles for either Air Defense, Strike Warfare,
or Anti-Submarine Warfare missions. Other armament includes
the Harpoon anti-ship cruise missile, the 5"/54 gun with
improvements that integrate it with the AEGIS weapon system,
and the Phalanx Close-in Weapon System for self-defense.
The AN/SPY-1D Phased Array Radar incorporates significant
advances in the detection capabilities of the AEGIS Weapons
System, particularly in its resistance to enemy Electronic
Counter-Measures (ECM). The AEGIS system is designed to
counter all current and projected missile threats to the
Navy's battle forces. A conventional, mechanically rotating
radar "sees" a target when the radar beam strikes that
target once during each 360 degree rotation of the antenna.
A separate tracking radar is then required to engage each
target. In contrast, the computer-controlled AN/SPY-1D
phased array radar of the AEGIS system brings these
functions together within one system. The four fixed arrays
of "SPY" send out beams of electromagnetic energy in all
directions simultaneously, continuously providing a search
and tracking capability for hundreds of targets at the same
time. Using the SPY-1D and her Mark 99 Fire Control System,
these ships can guide vertically-launched Standard Missiles
to intercept hostile aircraft and missiles at extended
ranges. To provide point defense against hostile air
targets, the ships are equipped with the Block 1 upgrade to
the Phalanx Close-In-Weapons System (CIWS).
The ARLEIGH BURKE Class is also equipped with the Navy's
latest ASUW Combat Systems. Land attack cruise missile
capability is provided by Tomahawk Missiles, which are
launched from her Mark 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS).
The MK 41 VLS is a multi-warfare missile launching system
capable of firing a mix of missiles against airborne and
surface threats. It is modular in design, with eight modules
symmetrically grouped to form a launcher magazine. The
modules contain all the necessary components for launching
functions when interfaced with the ship's AEGIS Weapon
System. VLS is a product of Martin-Marietta. The shorter
range Harpoon Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles have a range in
excess of 65 nautical miles which are fired from stand-alone
launchers. The 5"/54 Caliber Gun, in conjunction with the
Mark 34 Gun Weapon System, is an anti-ship weapon which can
also be used for close-in air contacts or to support forces
ashore with Naval Gun-Fire Support (NGFS).
The AN/SQQ-89 integrated ASW Suite is the most advanced
anti-submarine warfare system in the world today. The
AN/SQR-19 Tactical Towed Array SONAR (TACTAS) provides
extremely long-range passive detection of enemy submarines,
and the AN/SQS-53C Hull-Mounted SONAR is used to actively
and passively detect and locate submarine contacts. The
ships also have the capability to land the SH-60B LAMPS Mark
III Helicopter, which can link to the ship for support in
the anti- submarine operations, as well as conducting
over-the-horizon targeting missions. These systems are
supplemented by the SLQ-32V(2) Electronic Warfare Suite,
which includes passive detection systems and decoy
A new, large, waterplane area hull form significantly
improves seakeeping ability. The hull form is designed to
permit high speed in high sea states. The seakeeping hull
form is characterized by considerable flair and a "V" shape
appearance at the waterline.
The DDG-51 Class engineering plant represents an
improvement in US Naval gas turbine power plant control
systems. Aircraft derivative gas turbines are used for both
propulsion and ship service electrical power generation. A
high degree of plant automation is achieved by an
interconnected system of control consoles. Four of these
control consoles are located in the Central Control Station
(CCS) which is the nerve center of the DDG-51 Class
engineering plant.
Four General Electric LM2500 Gas Turbine Engines (GTEs)
provide ship's propulsion. Each Engine Room contains two
LM2500s, one propulsion reduction gear to convert the high
speed, low torque output of the gas turbine engine to low
speed, high torque output suitable to drive the propulsion
shafting, and the related support systems and equipment. The
port shaft connects 2A and 2B GTEs in Main Engine Room #2
and the starboard shaft connects 1A and 1B GTEs in Main
Engine Room #1. When viewed from the stern, the port shaft
rotates counterclockwise and the starboard shaft clockwise,
producing outward propeller rotation. Since the GTEs cannot
be reversed, the Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP) system
provides ahead and astern thrust by hydraulically
positioning the pitch of the propeller blades.
Each of the three Gas Turbine Generator Sets (GTGS) is
rated at 2500 KW and supplies 450 VAC, three-phase, 60 HZ
power. #1 GTGS is located in Auxiliary Machinery Room #1, #2
GTGS is located in Main Engine Room #2, and #3 GTGS is
located in #3 Generator Room. The GTGS are separated from
each other by three watertight bulkheads for survivability.
Each Gas Turbine Generator Set is comprised of an Allison
501-K34 Gas Turbine Engine, a module assembly, a reduction
gear assembly, and a generator.
The DDG-51 Class ships are specifically constructed from
a survivability-enhanced design that affords passive
protection to personnel and vital systems. This design
provides protection against underwater shock, nuclear air
blasts, fragment incursions into vital spaces, radar
detection, electronic countermeasures, gun and missile
attacks and a Chemical, Biological and Radiological (CBR)
attack. A comprehensive Collective Protection System guards
against nuclear, chemical, or biological agents. The ship's
damage control features and constructional design make the
DDG-51 Class Destroyer the most "survivable" surface ship in
the world.
In the ARLEIGH BURKE Class, all-steel construction is
used. Extensive topside armor is placed around vital combat
systems and machinery spaces. The bulkheads are constructed
of steel from the waterline to the pilot house. The
bulkheads are designed with double-spaced plate construction
for fragment protection. The frontal plate causes fragments
to break up and the backup plate stops the fragments from
causing further damage to the interior of the ship. Other
Aegis combat system equipment rooms are protected by Kevlar
shielding. And, topside weight is reduced by incorporating
an aluminum mast.
Acoustic, infrared, and radar signatures have been
reduced, and vital shipboard systems are hardened against
electromagnetic pulse and over-pressure damage. Sound
isolators or "shock absorbers" have been placed on the
reduction gears, giving the ship an added advantage when
pursuing submarines. State-of-the-art propulsion and damage
control systems are managed by an all-new data multiplexing
system. Fire detectors and increased AFFF and Halon
protection add to improved survivability.
During the construction of a DDG-51 destroyer, hundreds
of subassemblies are built and outfitted with piping
sections, ventilation ducting and other shipboard hardware.
These subassemblies are joined to form dozens of assemblies,
which were then joined to form the ship's hull. During the
assembly integration process, the ship is outfitted with
larger equipment items, such as electrical panels,
propulsion equipment, and generators. The ship's
superstructure, or "deckhouse," is lifted atop the ship's
midsection early in the assembly process, facilitating the
early activation of electrical and electronic equipment.
When the ship's hull integration was complete, the ship is
moved over land via wheel-on-rail transfer system, and onto
the shipyard's launch and recovery drydock.
Flight IIA Class changes in production
Flight IIA critical to littoral warfighting effectiveness
include the incorporation of embarked helicopters
(SH-60B/R), an organic minehunting capability and the
introduction of area theater ballistic missile defense
capability to protect near coastal airfields and seaports
essential to the flow of forces into theater in time of
The first 28 Arleigh Burke-class destroyers have a
helicopter deck but no hangar or embarked helicopters. Ships
in production Flight IIA also have landing and hangar
facilities for operation of two multi-purpose Light Airborne
Multipurpose System LAMPS MK III helicopters. This
capability will be added for the remaining 29 ships of the
class. The modifications require removal of Harpoon missile
capability. The addition of a helicopter hangar, the
introduction of SPY-1D(V) radars and the upgraded baseline
6.1/6.3 and now baseline 7 Phase 1 AEGIS Combat System are
three of the most significant upgrades. Also beginning with
this ship, the number of VLS cells will be increased from 90
to 96, and the Phalanx close-in weapon system will be joined
by vertical-launched the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) Evolved Sea Sparrow missiles when they become
The construction of the helicopter hangar is the most
visible change for this new generation of AEGIS Destroyers.
Located aft of the after Vertical Launching System (VLS),
the hangar will be large enough to accommodate 2 SH-60B/R
helicopters, support equipment, repair shops and store
rooms. Modifications were also made for additional crew
required for a helicopter detachment to deploy with the
ship. As a result of the increased elevation of the after
section of the ship, the aft facing AN/SPY-1D arrays were
raised 8 feet to provide visibility over the hangar.
The ship's Recovery, Assist, Securing, and Traversing
(RAST) system is utilized to move the helicopter into and
out of the port and starboard hangars. Helicopter facilities
including the following: dual hangars with bridge cranes and
Navy standard helo hangar doors, Helo Control Station, RAST
Control Station, Torpedo, Missile and Rocket Magazine with
bridge crane and weapons hoist, Landing and Helo In-Flight
Refueling (HIFR) facilities for LAMPS MK III SH-60B
helicopters. VLA lighting, Stabilized Glide Slope Indicator
(SGSI)/ Wave-Off Light System WOLS) and Horizon-reference
set are included.
The Navy will begin deployment of the remote minehunting
vehicle system on a select number of Arleigh Burke class
Flight IIA destroyers beginning in 2005. One of the greatest
threats to today’s naval battlegroup is mines. In fact, of
the 18 U.S. Navy ships destroyed or damaged in conflicts
since 1950, mines caused no fewer than 14 of those
casualties. To give the modern battlegroup the optimum
chance of survival in hostile "brown water" regions, the
Program Executive Office for Mine & Undersea Warfare (PEO
MIW) began the development of an organic mine-hunting
capability to be carried aboard the Navy’s Aegis destroyers.
These ships are traditionally among the first surface
combatants to enter the littorals ahead of a battlegroup.
Once launched from the host ship, the vehicle deploys to
detect, localize, classify and identify moored and bottom
mines in deep and shallow water. The 23-foot long vehicle
searches for the mines under the surface of the water. A
streamlined combination snorkel and antenna mast, which
draws air to the vehicle’s diesel engine, will be its only
visible feature above the surface. The remote minehunting
vehicle can search for mines autonomously along a
pre-programmed track, or can be controlled manually in
real-time from the host ship by a single operator. All
control and display functions will be integrated with the
ship’s AN/SQQ-89 undersea warfare combat system, with mine
contact data linked to the Aegis combat system.
The DDG 51 baseline upgrade plan incrementally improves
DDG 51 systems in a time phased manner. Later hulls of the
Flight IIA DDGs have NFCS, Link 16, and Cooperative
Engagement Capability. the evolving fit of advanced combat
systems capabilities and spirally developed improvements
mark the path of the evolution of the highly successful
ARLEIGH BURKE class destroyer design to meet the rapidly
expanding littoral warfighting missions.

USS Bainbridge DDG 96 Navy Ship Namesake History
William Bainbridge was born in Princeton, New Jersey, on 7 May 1774. He
entered the merchant marine in 1789, at the age of fifteen, at nineteen
became commander of a merchant ship, and in 1798, Bainbridge married, at the
island of St. Bartholomew, Miss Susan Hyleger, daughter of a merchant, and
granddaughter of the governor of St. Eustatia. On the organization of a navy
in 1798, Bainbridge was given command of the schooner RETALIATION with the
rank of lieutenant-commandant. He was soon afterward captured by the French
frigates VOLUNTEER and INSURGENTE, but the schooner was returned to
Bainbridge by the governor of Guadeloupe, and he proceeded with her to the
United States, carrying many American prisoners, for whom, he had obtained
their liberty. For his services, Bainbridge was promoted to the rank of
master-commandant, and given the command of the brig NORFOLK, of eighteen
guns. In NORFOLK, Bainbridge operated against French forces in the West
Indies during the Quasi-War, eventually capturing the French lugger
REPUBLICAN and destroying other vessels. In May, 1800, Bainbridge was
ordered to take command of the frigate GEORGE WASHINGTON, and on diplomatic
mission, to carry tribute to the Dey of Algiers in order to safeguard the
growing American merchant fleets from attack by corsairs. On his arrival at
Algiers, Bainbridge was obliged to accede to a demand of the Dey to carry
presents to Constantinople, and also an ambassador to the Ottoman Porte. At
Constantinople, Bainbridge paved the way to the first treaty between the
United States and the Ottomans. On 20 May 1801, Bainbridge was appointed to
command the ESSEX, forming part of the squadron under Commodore Richard
Dale, to cruise against the Barbary powers. Then on 20 May 1803, he was
ordered to command the PHILADELPHIA, of 44 guns, of Commodore Preble's
squadron, fitting out to cruise against, Tripolitan corsairs. On his arrival
in the Mediterranean, he captured the Moorish ship-of-war MESH-BOHA, of 22
guns, and recaptured the American brig CELICA from Barbary corsairs. On
Bainbridge's arrival off Tripoli he gave chase to a Tripolitan corsair and
struck an uncharted rock, on which the PHILADELPHIA was wrecked. Surrounded
by Tripolitan gun-boats and forced to surrender, Bainbridge, his officers
and crew remained captives in Tripoli for nineteen months. PHILADELPHIA was
floated off the rock by the Tripolitans and carried into the port of
Tripoli, where she was later burned by American forces led by then
Lieutenant Steven Decatur. When peace was restored Bainbridge was acquitted
of all blame for the loss of the PHILADELPHIA. After regaining his freedom
in 1805, Captain Bainbridge supervised naval facilities and the construction
of the fledgling American Navy and, while on leave, again served in the
merchant marine. He returned from the last of his commercial voyages in
1812, shortly before the United States went to war with Great Britain.
Commanding first the Boston Navy Yard, Bainbridge solicited the command of a
frigate, and his request was complied with by giving him command not only of
the CONSTITUTION, but of the frigate ESSEX, Captain David Porter, and the
sloop HORNET, Captain James Lawrence. Relieving Captain Isaac Hull shortly
after his victory over the HMS GUERRIERE, Bainbridge sailed for the South
Atlantic. On 29 December 1812, CONSTITUTION was sailing in the Atlantic
about 30 miles off the coast of Brazil when sails were sighted on the
horizon, and CONSTITUTION altered course to investigate. The ship proved to
be HMS JAVA, a frigate similar to GUERRIERE. Both frigates stood for each
other and cleared their decks for action. At approximately 2:00 in the
afternoon, she began a fight with the faster HMS JAVA. Commodore William
Bainbridge was wounded twice, and the ship's wheel was shot away, but for
more than 2 hours he maneuvered brilliantly and fought tenaciously until,
finally, JAVA had no masts left standing and her Captain lay dying. This
time, there were 34 American casualties as opposed to around 150 British.
Like GUERRIERE, JAVA was too badly damaged to bring home - but before
sinking her, Bainbridge had her wheel removed to replace the one shot away
on CONSTITUTION. Commodore Bainbridge on his return to the United States in
February 1813, was received with high honors, awarded a congressional gold
medal, and ordered to command the Charlestown Navy Yard, where he laid the
keel of the line-of-battle-ship INDEPENDENCE. After the end of the War of
1812, the American government turned its attention back to the Mediterranean
where Algiers had resumed preying upon American shipping while the United
States was preoccupied by its recently concluded war with Great Britain.
Work fitting out two American squadrons promptly began - one at Boston under
Commodore Bainbridge and one at New York under Commodore Steven Decatur.
Commodores Bainbridge and Decatur led squadrons in a show of force that
resulted in a peace settlement with Tunis 13 July 1815 and with Tripoli 9
August 1815. Having enforced the peace in less than 6 weeks from time of
sailing from the United States, and combined an entire naval force assembled
at Gibraltar under Commodore William Bainbridge of 18 warships, including
ship-of-the-line INDEPENDENCE, 5 frigates, 2 sloops-of-war, 7 brigs, and 3
schooners, it was the largest fleet ever collected under the American flag
in the Mediterranean to that time. Commodore Bainbridge was commander of
Navy forces afloat at Boston for much of the rest of the decade, and in
1820-21 flew his flag in the ship of the line COLUMBUS during another
Mediterranean cruise. He was later Commandant of the Boston Navy Yard,
served as a Naval Commissioner in 1825-1828 bringing about much of the Navy
structure used to this day, and then was Commandant of the Philadelphia Navy
Yard. Bainbridge returned to the Boston command in 1832, but ill health
forced him to leave that post in 1833. He was attacked by pneumonia, and
died on 28 July 1833. His remains were interred in Christ Church,
SHIELD: Azure (Dark Blue), a fouled anchor palewise throughout Or
surmounted by a ship's wheel Proper garnished on the rim by four bosses of
the second bearing an olive wreath Vert enclosing a stylized Congressional
Gold medal Proper, all between four mullets, two and two Argent (Silver
Gray), all within a bordure of the like charged with thirteen pellets.
CREST: From a wreath Or and Azure (Dark Blue) a bald eagle crouched,
wings displayed Proper grasping in its talons two tridents saltirewise of
the first.
MOTTO: A scroll Argent edged Azure and doubled Gules inscribed
behind the shield, two ancient cannon barrels Proper.
SYMBOLISM SHIELD: The shield represents the protective power of the Aegis
Weapons system. The Dark Blue and Gold, colors traditionally associated with
the Navy, represent the sea and excellence. The anchor reflects the maritime
tradition and achievement. The four silver stars recall the previous ships
named in honor of Commodore Bainbridge. The ship's wheel symbolizes
navigation. Gold denotes honor. The four bosses, the circular knoblike
objects, reflect the warships commanded by Commodore Bainbridge; George
Washington, Essex, Philadelphia and Constitution. The Congressional Gold
Medal centered on the wheel, represents the award received while commanding
the ship Constitution, for it's December 1812 victory against HMS JAVA. This
highest honor was awarded for his outstanding heroic service during the
battle when the Constitution's ship's wheel was destroyed and he replaced it
with the JAVA's wheel. The olive wreath denotes peace and Commodore
Bainbridge's diplomatic missions in the Mediterranean. The border indicates
distinction and 'battleship gray', is the primary color for the destroyer.
Black denotes dignity. Born during the American Revolution, the thirteen
pellets allude to the original 13 colonies, including New Jersey, the
birthplace of Commodore Bainbridge.
CREST: The bald eagle, the symbol of National defense, power and
authority, exemplifies Commodore Bainbridge's patriotism. The crossed
tridents signify sea power; also, denoting the ship's modern technology, the
AEGIS system and electronic warfare capabilities of the combat weapon
SUPPORTERS: The crossed cannon barrels symbolize the past naval weaponry
and naval readiness.
SEAL: The coat of arms as blazoned in full color on a White field
enclosed by a Blue oval border edged on the outside with Gold rope and
bearing the name 'USS BAINBRIDGE' at top and 'DDG 96' in base all in Gold.
MOTTO: Red, white and blue are the national colors. The motto embodies
the Commodore's spirit and attitude throughout his military service.